10 Ways to Help Students Who Struggle With Anxiety

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Trouble concentrating. An upset stomach. Sleeplessness. Anxiety can show up in a lot of ways. And anxiety can be one of the most debilitating challenges that students face in classrooms today. Yet, it can also be one of the most hidden and unknown.

According to the Child Mind Institute, health-care providers have seen a 17 percent increase of anxiety in children over the past 10 years . But there aren’t really that many more students seeking help and care. In fact, less than one percent of kids will seek anxiety treatment the year their symptoms begin. And even though anxiety will affect about 30 percent of all children at some time in their lives, more than 80 percent will never receive care for it. 

Chances are you’ve seen the increase in anxiety in your classroom and school, maybe around testing season,  or even kids experiencing trauma. You know anxiety is more than just “worries.” Anxiety can influence classroom performance just as much as any other learning disability. 

Kids who are worried and anxious aren’t doing it on purpose. The nervous system acts automatically, especially when it comes to worry (which often stems from fight or flight reflexes). That’s why phrases like “just relax” or “calm down” aren’t helpful. But with practice, kids can learn to slow down their anxious brains, and teachers can learn to help them. Here are a few ways you can help anxious kids in the classroom.

1. Practice those deep breaths.

When people slow down their breathing, they slow down their brain. When I notice that one of my kids is struggling with anxiety, I’ll often lead the whole class in a breathing exercise. It helps the child who is overwhelmed and usually a few other kids too. Sometimes, I’ll do it just because the whole class is squirrelly and we need to focus. Slow, deep breaths are the key. 

2. Take a break and go outside. 

Being out in nature can also calm an anxious brain. Sometimes just a change of scenery is what makes the difference. Breathing the cool air or making time to notice chirping birds can also calm an overactive worrier. Asking students to carefully observe their environment can help them turn the focus away from their worries and toward something more tangible: How many different kinds of trees do you see? How many different bird songs do you hear? How many different shades of green are in the grass?

3. Talk about anxiety openly. 

Don’t set anxiety up as something you want (or should) get rid of. It’s part of life, and it’s not realistic to think it’ll go away completely. You can help students see and understand this in your own actions.

4. Get kids moving.  

Exercise helps anyone who is feeling anxious. Anxiety can end up looking like anger, so if you see this, try taking a movement break. You probably already have some favorite ways to do this, but if you’re looking for some ideas, check out our video above. 

5. Try walking and talking. 

Building on the moving idea, if you have a student that needs some one-on-one attention, try the walk-and-talk method. I used to have a student who struggled a lot with anxiety, and this worked great with her. After a couple of loops around the playground with me, everything would feel a little better. Our walk served three purposes: 1. It removed her from the situation. 2. It gave her a chance to explain the issue to me. 3. It got her blood pumping, which clears out the anxiety-producing energy and brings in the positive exercise endorphins. 

6. Think positive by having students keep a gratitude journal. 

The brain is incapable of producing anxious thoughts while it is producing positive thoughts stemming from gratitude. If you can trigger a positive train of thought, you can sometimes derail the anxiety. I knew a teacher who had his fifth graders keep gratitude journals, and every day they would record at least one thing they were thankful for. When his students seemed overwhelmed by negativity or mired in anxiety, he’d encourage them to reread their journals. Check out the video above for another inspiring teacher. 

7. Remind kids to eat healthy and stay well. 

For the most part, teachers don’t really have a lot of control over what students eat and how much they sleep, but these things do matter when it comes to managing anxiety. Not surprisingly, a healthy diet and plenty of sleep make a difference in how well a student is able to handle situations that could be overwhelming. It’s one of the reasons that snack and rest time were an essential part of the day when I was teaching preschool. (It probably would have benefited my older students too, even if they might not have admitted it!)

If you can find a way to work these things into your school day, they could make the difference for your kids who tend to worry. Even if you can’t control these things, you can still remind them by talking about healthy food choices, or wrapping it into the curriculum when you can.

8. Share a story with your students.

Often, when one of my kids is struggling, the school counselor will come and share a picture book about managing anxiety with the entire class. Some kids may not be receptive to direct, one-on-one, intervention, but they will respond beautifully if they know the whole class is receiving the same information.

9. Try creating a space where kids can express their anxiety.

You’ve probably heard of classroom safe spaces, and this is a great option to offer if you have students dealing with anxiety. Another idea, which can stand on its own or be part of your safe space, is offering classroom fidgets. Sometimes this can work wonders in just giving kids an outlet.

10. Offer individual accommodations. 

For older students, accommodations can make all the difference. Many students struggle with performance anxiety, especially when it comes to tests. When a student is feeling anxious, their brain simply can’t function as effectively. When we can set up our tests and assignments so anxious kids are less stressed, they’ll likely perform better. Extended time and cue sheets could help kids who suffer from test anxiety. 

The good news about anxiety is that it is one of the most manageable mental-health struggles that children face in the classroom. With the right support and strategies, most children are able to develop strategies that help them manage their anxiety.

Source: We Are Teachers