As middle and high school math students talk through problems, they build camaraderie and gain greater conceptual understanding.
Education Secretary accepts all recommendations to award teachers the largest pay increase in a generation, with new teachers to receive 5.5% boost in salary.
These fun-filled educational apps provide perfect brain food for children while schools are closed
Coronavirus: How will students still get A-level and GCSE qualifications and be admitted to university?
An English teacher has amassed thousands of followers worldwide after just three online lessons during the coronavirus pandemic.
Hundreds of teachers, many of them operating in countries where teach-from-home has been in place for weeks, weigh in on the mental approach you need to stay grounded in this difficult time.
With 850 million children worldwide shut out of schools, tech evangelists claim now is the time for AI education. But as the technology’s power grows, so too do the dangers that come with it.
Narrative writing that incorporates research can be a more engaging alternative to a classic research paper.
In Bergen County, New Jersey, just outside New York City, a school closure pushes teachers to confront the challenges of online learning.
There is so much potential for cross-infection between students and invigilators that to go ahead would be foolhardy
Grading papers at 2 a.m. in her living room became one teacher’s new normal—so she decided it was time to reinvent the way she gives feedback.